Saturday, October 7, 2023

Happenstance and fiction writings

Hannah Chẫu

Bakhan 7 Oct. 2023

The two scholars spent a brief retreat in the mountainous village of Bakhan. Apart from nature, there was barely any discussion about academic issues.

But they all forgot one thing. The time happened to be the 10th anniversary of the book “Vietnam Going Forward” jointly written and published back in October 2013.

While having beers, their chats also turned to writing fiction and the socio-cultural aspects of the Kingfisher fables. The ever-green tropical forests, water and white clouds seem to provide a better escape from the noisy and crowded Hanoi than expected. That’s why the professors appeared to have reaped the cognitive benefits and psychological well-being, somewhat similar to Weir’s arguments.

Now, back to Kingfisher. Due to the bird’s prowess in fishing and beautiful colors, the Kingfisher is often revered in many different cultures and often considered a symbol of wisdom and power. The two looked like kingfishers preying on some ideas for their future fiction writings, evidence of the cognitive benefits mentioned above.


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